Friday, February 1, 2013

Ammo Shortages

So this blog wasn't really supposed to be political, but I'm seriously aggravated over the nationwide ammunition shortages. It's nearly impossible to buy .22LR ammo right now, which is a huge pain, since it's the cheapest to shoot. I really enjoy plinking with my Mark III at the range, and now that I've tried out my husband's 10/22 Ruger rifle, I'm completely in love with it. Easy to handle, quiet, practically no kick. It's shooting to the nth degree.

I guess we were lucky to even find some. The closest Academy was out. We ended up buying some from a small private store on the west side of El Paso, and were lucky to get some 9mm ammo as well. I don't understand the ammunition shortage, from an intellectual perspective. Do people really think that ALL guns are going to be banned? Why are people stocking up like WWIII is about to break out?

Yes, there is a lot of talk about restricting SOME guns. None of those guns use 9mm ammo. I'm sure there are some politicians with pipe dreams of completely illegalizing guns, but let's be honest, America loves her some guns. We were born of a bloody revolution and are loathe to forget it, no matter that it was over two centuries past. Violence is embedded in the very foundation of who we are, and I don't think illegalizing guns will make any amount of difference. Our guns are not going anywhere.

Either way, why is handgun ammo being bought up like it's going out of style? Are people so ridiculously paranoid and sucked in by the hype that they think they have to hoard ammo for pending civil war? Ugh. I find it moronic.

Let's face it: we are not going gunless. Like many people, I wouldn't support it. I support more open education of guns, instead of the meek fear we've been instilled with. We hate what we fear, and we fear what we don't know. Before I owned and regularly handled guns, I would have been alarmed, at the very least, if I noticed someone was carrying one in public in their purse or under their shirt. Now, with ownership and education, I would be more likely to ask them about what model they used and how it handled. More wide-spread education of guns would lead to less stupidity surrounding them, at least in theory. I admit, there are a LOT of stupid people out there, and even education cannot purge the herd of all of them.

It's well-documented that severe gun bans result in an increase in crime. Don't believe it? Check here. This site is, as far as I can tell, unbiased and scrupulous in their reporting, and they report on much more than gun control. Love it or hate it, the facts speak for themselves. Get educated.


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